LG Product Description

Himalaya Cool
Get instant cooling with this ACu0027s Himalaya Cool feature which focuses on cooling the living space by providing a smart airflow that u0027s two times faster than vertical air swing. Activate this mode by touching the Himalaya Cool button on the remote controller.
Monsoon Comfort
Monsoon season is a boon for farmers, but a bane to most people as it results in humid, stuffy environments, especially at home. This air conditioner is the solution to that problem with its Monsoon Comfort technology that provides the right cooling for this season. It also prevents overcooling, resulting in smaller bills.
Auto Clean
When this mode is activated, the AC consumes minimum energy while maintaining the right body temperature in the room. By applying a Body Adaptation Time Algorithm (BATA), this AC ensures you are comfortable at all times, even though itu0027s using less power.
Save Energy
Night Glow Button
Sometimes it gets too cold at night and you want to turn off the AC, but you really see the buttons. But the remote control has night glow buttons that are easy to use and find in the dark.
Glow Buttons
Say you want your AC to function only when you go to sleep. Simple, set the timer by selecting the start and stop time and the AC will only function during that period.
Sleep Mode
This mode uses a microprocessor to adjust the room u0027s temperature to that of your metabolic rate, so you get a comfortable nightu0027s rest.